Wednesday, March 27, 2013

You're Invited to the Easter Celebration at Lake City Pres

You're Invited to an Easter Celebration 
at Lake City Presbyterian Church!

Sunday, March 31st at 10:00 a.m.

Worship Service: Easter story shared through Bible scriptures, songs, and prayer 
(including all-congregation “Hallelujah Chorus”)
Nursery Care for ages 0-3 during worship
Children’s Easter lesson and Egg Hunt for children ages 3 to grade 6
(Start out in worship, then children will be invited to classes after Time for Young Disciples)
Delicious hot cross buns will be served by LCPC Board of Deacons after worship

Come + Participate + Celebrate 
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ

and invite others to come along!

 ('Join' and 'Share' our Lake City Pres Facebook Easter Invitation!)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Palm Sunday @ LCPC - Worship, One Great Hour of Sharing, & Seder (Passover) Lunch!

  Palm/Passion Sunday, March 24th, 10:00 a.m.

We begin Holy Week worship together with procession of palms, singing from our Kids Choir and adult choir.Together we'll explore the scripture detailing the moments of passion from God's people crying "Hosanna" to Jesus declaring "It is finished" at his death on the cross. Nursery care (for ages 0-3) and classes for children, age 3 through sixth grade, will be provided during the service. Following worship - all are invited to process together to the Fellowship Hall for a Seder meal lunch (symbolic of Jesus' last supper with his disciples).

Seder/Passover Lunch

Everyone is invited to stay for a free Seder lunch after worship this Sunday hosted by LCPC Board of Deacons and facilitated by Amy Spanne. This is a meal traditionally celebrated in Jewish culture during Passover and is likely the meal Jesus and his disciples shared during the "Last Supper". We'll be learning about the Passover Seder meal, it's roots in Biblical history, and how it is relevant to Christians today. This is a family-friendly event.

One Great Hour of Sharing Special Offering 

This Sunday our congregation will participate in the One Great Hour of Sharing with many churches around the nation.Your generous gifts to this Special Offering help provide relief those affected by natural disasters, provide food to the hungry, and assist in helping to empower the poor and oppressed.

Click here for a little video reminder to Remember To Bring Your Fish Coin Banks!

Find out more information regarding OGHS and other special offerings at:

 Easter Celebration - Sunday, March 31st at 10 a.m.
Our celebration of the miraculous and life-saving resurrection of Jesus will be held  Sunday, March 31st at 10 a.m. in the sanctuary. Nursery care and children's classes will be available during worship - and include egg hunts. A free light brunch featuring breakfast rolls will follow the worship service. Invite your friends, family, neighbors and coworkers to join you!