Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Greening of the Church" this Saturday Dec. 1st

Decorating in preparation for the seasons of Advent & Christmas!

Lake City Presbyterian Church - Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Hallways, Outdoors, etc.
Saturday December 1, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Yourself - all sorts are welcome to help ~ including children!

Time to dress the church in Advent and Christmas holiday decor - we have something for all abilities!

  • Decorate Pew wreaths with flowers/bows
  • Hang pew wreaths
  • Arrange poinsettia's around the sanctuary
  • Pull out the trees, wreaths, and garlands, and lights: climb a ladder to hang them up, pretty them with ornaments and other decorations, hang chrismons on the main sanctuary Christmas tree
  • Hang Banners over the balcony in the sanctuary
  •  and more!

If you have decorating suggestions or questions - or want to sign up to help out - please connect with Doug Prindle, LCPC Worship committee elder.

Happy Advent (begins December 2nd)!