Lenten Soup Supper & Prayer Study
Wednesdays Feb 29th, March 7, 14, 21, and 28
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in LCPC Fellowship Hall
$5/person suggestion donation
Children's program provided
Come join in an experiential study on prayer with Christine Sine for Wednesday evenings at Lake City Presbyterian Church. A soup supper provided from 6-6:30 p.m. We are suggesting a donation of $5 per person to help cover cost of meal and program. The first Wednesday will have a prayer labyrinth experience and Wednesdays in March will feature prayer studies led by Christine Sine of Mustard Seed Associates.
- Wednesday February 29th - Prayer Walks: Labyrinths
- Wednesday March 7th: The Three Directions of Prayer led by Christine Sine
- Wednesday March 14th: Tools for Prayer led by Christine Sine
- Wednesday March 21st: Contemplative Prayer led by Christine Sine
- Wednesday March 28th: Outward Prayer led by Christine Sine
Christine Sine is a Seattle local who is Executive Director of Mustard Seed Associates a small organization founded by her and her husband Tom Sine to assist churches and Christian organizations to engage the challenges of the 21st Century. She speaks and writes about how to integrate spiritual rhythms into everyday life as well as on spirituality and gardening. Her most recent book is To Garden with God Mustard Seed Associates 2010). She is the author of several other books Light for the Journey (MSA 2010) GodSpace: Time for Peace in the Rhythms of Life (Barclay Press 2006), Travel Well (World Vision Resources 2005) and Tales of a Seasick Doctor (Zondervan 1996). Christine and Tom also co-authored Living on Purpose: Finding God’s Best for Your Life. (Baker Books 2002). She blogs at http://godspace.wordpress.com
For more information about the supper or study please contact Leena Prindle - Director of Faith Formation.