Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Class this Sunday 1/24 & 2/3 - What Do Presbyterians Believe?

Lake City Pres is offering two one-hour sessions on Presbyterian beliefs and Theology on Jan. 24th and Feb. 3rd.

Adults and youth who are new or have questions/curiousity regarding Christianity or Presbyterian beliefs or if you just want a theology refresher course - all are invited to participate in this free class. Leena Prindle will be facilitating the class using materials provided by

Sunday January 24th - 11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. (Time has been/may be adjusted due to the Annual Congregational meeting that follows worship).
Session 1: Covers historical Christianity background to answer "What Does Presbyterian Mean?" and "Who are Presbyterians & What Do They Believe?".

Sunday February 3rd - 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Session 2: Briefly covers the topics of God, Jesus Christ, Holy Spirit, Salvation by Grace, Election and Predestination, Church, Sacraments (Baptism/Communion) and Future Life in relation to Christian and Presbyterian Beliefs.

Both class sessions will provide handouts and references for further personal research.

Childcare: If you have children infant through 1st grade childcare is available in the nursery upon RSVP. please contact Leena Prindle by the day before each class starts so we can provide care. Also if your child will be hungry please provide a snack/lunch for them.

January Kids Night - This Friday 1/22 - Video Games!

This month is Video Game Kids Night at LCPC!! My buddy Keith has an awesome gameroom setup in mind with fun times (& age appropriate games) for all your Elementary age (grades 1-5) kiddos!

We'll provide pizza and some other goodies. And if you're able to make a donation of $2-5 dollars to help offset food costs bring it along. If $ is tight right now, no worries, just have your child come for a fun time in a safe place with other children.

January Kids Night - Video Games (Downstairs in the Tween Room- #B5)
For children in Grades 1-5
Friday January 22nd
6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m

Please rsvp # of children attending so we know how much pizza to order. Also friends in the same age range are welcome!


~Leena Prindle
Director of Faith Formation

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Haiti: Presbyterians are Present - How YOU Can Help

The devastation of Haiti after the earthquake is on so many of our hearts and in our prayers. Here is the response from the national PC-USA

We pray for Haiti

Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
As the eyes of the world turn to Haiti, let us join our hearts in prayer:
God of compassion
Please watch over the people of Haiti,
And weave out of these terrible  happenings
wonders of goodness and grace.
Surround those who have been affected by tragedy
With a sense of your present love,
And hold them in faith.
Though they are lost in grief,
May they find you and be comforted;
Guide us as a church
To find ways of providing assistance
that heals wounds and provides hope
Help us to remember that when one of your children suffer
We all suffer
Through Jesus Christ who was dead, but lives
and rules this world with you. Amen.
(Adapted from Book of Common Worship)

— Bruce Reyes-Chow, Gradye Parsons and Linda Valentine

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is responding to this earthquake through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and its partners. Presbyterian World Mission is gathering information on the safety and status of our mission personnel and ecumenical partners in the area. For updates on the earthquake and the church’s response, please continue to visit PDA. Initial reports indicate a large number of casualties and widespread damage especially in the capital city of Port-au-Prince.
You, too, can be part of God’s answer to prayer for those affected by this disaster. Information on the situation and prayers and worship resources will soon be available. Funds from One Great Hour of Sharing are already helping with the initial response. You can give to the ongoing relief through PDA account number DR000064.



Follow these updates and find out more information about the work and presence of Presbyterian Disaster Assistance and their work around the world at:

Monday, January 4, 2010

Last Chance! Sign Up for Mid Winter Mission Trip!

Hi Friends,

The Lake City Presbyterian Mission Department requested that I send out an online reminder to let you know there is one more day to sign up for:

ALL CHURCH Mid-Winter Mission Trip
Bellingham,WA/Whatcom County/Lummi Reservation 
Wednesday February 17th through Sunday February 21st, 2010
(takes place during Seattle/Shoreline/Northshore School Districts Mid-Winter Break)

We still have a 'mininum' number of spots to fill to be able to commit to the trip. With a few more registrations we can meet the goal, Mission Dept. will be making that decision tomorrow night at their monthly meeting. "All-church" means that all ages are welcome. Real beds will be provided so you won't be roughing it. All types of folks are needed. I'm planning to attend and the Mission Team has even encouraged me to bring my daughters along if I need (so this really is an all ages effort - come on your own or bring your family!)

Please Contact Holly Kennell [206-363-9370] by tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 5th) before 5pm if you are interested in this trip.

Here is some further information:

Mission: We will be helping some folks in the Lummi nation, who provide housing for those in need, and perhaps other projects as well.  Final decisions about projects will be made after we know the composition of the team.  We will be taking care of ourselves, so drivers, cooks and spiritual leaders are also encouraged to participate.
Required Forms: (click to print)
Accommodations: The team will be housed at Lutherwood, a Christian camp in Bellingham, WA, overlooking Lake Samish.  Real beds will be provided, so this is not a mission trip that will require you to “rough it.”
Cost: The general cost is $190 per person**, which will cover travel, accommodations, meals at the camp and programming. We need a commitment from you and a non-refundable deposit of $50 by January 5th to secure your place on the team.  The final $140 must be paid by January 15th
** If you have a desire to participate, but are unsure how you would fund the trip, please talk with Holly Kennell or Joan Wilson about financial aid options. Youth participants may be eligible for financial help from the Christian Education Department.
Again, Please Contact Holly Kennell [206-363-9370] by tomorrow (Tuesday, Jan. 5th) before 5pm if you are interested in this trip.

Posted By: Leena Prindle, Director of Faith Formation
Lake City Presbyterian Church | 3841 NE 123rd Street, Seattle WA 
206.362-6878 |