Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Nov. 1st - North Helpline Benefit Concert & Daylight Savings

A reminder that Daylight Savings time changes on November 1st (this Sunday).

So if you change the time on your clock you'll be able to get to worship and  the North Helpline Concert on time! (p.s. Lake City Pres choir will be participating in this concert!):

North Helpline Benefit
Community Choir Concert

Sunday, Nov. 1, 2009
3:00 pm

Prince of Peace Lutheran
Corner of NE 145th& 20th Ave NE

Participating Choirs:
Bethel Lutheran of Shoreline
Haller Lake United Methodist
Lake City Christian
Lake City Presbyterian
Prince of Peace Lutheran
Wedgwood Presbyterian

with featured performances by

Bells of Praise,Youth Bell Choir Sojourners,
Gospel Singers Cascadian Chorale

emceed by Amy Besunder, Executive Director, North Helpline

Monday, October 26, 2009

Halloween Alternatives (Trick or Treat & beyond)

Halloween can be a special family time for the Christian family. Here are some suggestions for making this time more meaningful. Perhaps these suggestions will be helpful in building your own family traditions. Just try one or two this year.

1.    Alternative Trick or Treat Ideas:
a.   Collect Money for Children supported by Unicef – project started by a Presbyterian pastor. Follow this link for more information.
b.   Bring an extra bag or box along to collect food for your local food bank. Using to locate your local food bank and their needs list, print out and ask neighbors if they can donate something on the list. (Make sure items are unopened and not expired or soon to expire).

2.    Carve a pumpkin for others.
Then take it to a family who have no children, or to someone in a convalescent hospital or a widow.

3.    Take a box of food for a needy family.
Include an uncarved pumpkin or take it to a family in your church, community, or neighborhood

4.    Give out Halloween tracts/Bible verses/prayers at the door.
Of course, give nice treats too. Tape a piece of gum to the tract/scripture/prayer and write “something to chew on” or tape a sucker with “a lick and a promise.”

5.    Save some of the Halloween candy.
Put it in a plastic bag in the freezer. Use this to stuff your stockings at Christmas.

6.    Make pumpkin bread as a family.
Then give it as a “love gift” to a friend. Save the pumpkin seeds and roast them in the oven for eating. (Follow this link for a recipe.)

7.    Invite another couple over to share the evening.
You might consider a couple without children. Have a simple dinner and let them enjoy handing out treats and/or helping with your children.

8.    Use the holiday to teach some of the negative aspects about Halloween.
With older children, use the story of the witch of Endor (I Sam. 28:7-25) to show the Biblical view regarding witches.

9.    Look up information regarding Jewish feasts and fall celebrations.
For example, the Feast of Tabernacles (see Exodus 23:16). Another festival is Purim (see Esther 9:20-32). Get some new family traditions.

10.   Have family discussions about honesty.
You might begin this with an object lesson on the masks of Halloween. Read Romans 12:1-2. Emphasize not being conformed to this world (by putting on masks), but be transformed by renewing of your mind (by putting God’s thoughts in your mind). Thus, being real honest about who we really are as Christians.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lake City Halloween Happenings - Friday October 30th

Dear LCPC Families & Friends,
We’re not holding our own party this year but want to encourage you to participate in activities sponsored by Lake City organizations who have a heart for the community like Lake City Presbyterian Church.
Here are a few events we’d like you to check out. Look for some of our LCPC adults who will be hanging out at the community center Halloween party and looking to greet you there.

Lake City Fright Night Trick or Treat
& Lake City Lions Halloween Alley
Friday October 30th

5:30 p.m: Start at the North Seattle Family Center (just off Lake City Way on 125th Street next to the Seattle Mennonite Church) for a treat bag and a map to trick or treat locations along Lake City Way (local businesses).

5:30-6:30: Trick or Treat at local Lake City businesses (get a map from the North Seattle Family Center)

6:30-8:30 p.m. Lake City Lions Halloween Alley @ Lake City Community Center (12531 28th Ave NE)
Play games, visit a haunted house, every person receives: 1 slice of pizza, 1 halloween cookies, and 1 orange drink. Enjoy a trip through Halloween Alley!
Have a safe and fun Halloween!

~Leena Prindle, Director of Faith Formation @

Thursday, October 22, 2009

LCPC Work Parties for October & November

There are a few days coming up at LCPC where extra helping hands are needed to move stuff, lift stuff, and even decorate stuff. Just wanted to give you a heads up in case you have some time and hands available to help!

Invite friends, family members (youth welcome to help!), the more to help out the more fun to get the work done!

* THIS Saturday October 24th - All Church Work Party - 9am to 1p 
Come for all or part of the time to help. Wear clothing appropriate for working outside (if that is where you want to help):
Specific tasks are (but not limited to):
  • - Moving some pews in the sanctuary to make space for wheelchair access in the sanctuary
  • - Outdoor grounds clean up/ winterizing: leaf blowing,minor tree pruning,clearing gutters on 40th Ave. side of church.
  • - Moving items large furniture in the youth room to one side of the room so that carpets in preparation for carpet cleaning.
  • - Contact Steve Babinec or Irv Kellenberger for more information

* Sunday October 25th - Moving furniture in Youth room after worship to prep for getting the carpet cleaned. (If this has not already been done at the 24th work party)

* Saturday, November 28th Greening of the Church 9am to 12noon/1pm
Prepping the church for the Advent & Christmas seasons. Breaking out the LCPC decorations and assembling, lighting, and decorating the huge sanctuary tree. Need folks who love to hang garland & greens and others who can help lift a few heavy items to the rafters of the sanctuary. Contact Ron McLean for more information.

~Leena Prindle
Director of Faith Formation

Lake City Presbyterian Church
Seattle, WA |

Saturday, October 17, 2009

What is an Elder? What is a Deacon?

This Sunday, October 18th following our 10am worship there is a brief congregational meeting to vote in the Officer Nominating committee. This committee works to glean nominations for a new class  of Deacons and Session Elders for January '10. The committee then works to contacts the nominees and see if they would be interested in joining the Session or the Deacons for a term of 3 yrs (Session elders term). Those who accept will be brought before the congregation for a vote come January.

If there is someone you'd like to nominate to be an Elder or Deacon please pick up a form from the church and submit it to the box in the Deacon's office or the church office.

Duties of an Elder - 
* Exercises leadership, government, and discipline in the local church
* Is responsible, individually and as the Session, for strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation
* With the pastor, encourages the people in worship and service of God, and equips and renews them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world.
* Attends and participates in the work of the Session and its ministry teams as assigned.
* May assist in worship leadership and communion, and may serve, from time to time, as delegate to the meeting of the Presbytery.

Duties of the Deacons-
* Carries out a work of sympathy, witness, and service in the local church
* Acts as a means of communication with the life and needs of the congregation
* Assists those in destress, with special needs, and in celebrations
* Plans fellowship events
* May assist in worship leadership and communion
* Works with the Cordon of Prayer
* Arranges for greeters each week

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Meet North Precinct's Crime Prevention Coordinator, Diane Horswill, October 14

There will be a community meeting on crime prevention and public safety tonight - Wednesday, October 14 - at 7 p.m. in the fellowship hall at Lake City Presbyterian Church, 3841 NE 123rd Street. 

The North Precinct's Crime Prevention Coordinator, Diane Horswill, will present helpful information on crime prevention and will answer questions. While this meeting is sponsored by the Cedar Park community, everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

LCPC October Kids Night ~ Monsters vs. Aliens

LCPC October Kids Night (grades 1-5)

Monsters Vs. Aliens
Friday,October 16th
5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Monsters vs. Aliens 

This month's Kids Night is a field trip for children in the first through fifth grades!  We're heading down the street to hang out at Meadowbrook Community Center for their Popcorn & a Movie night. The featured film is "Monsters vs. Aliens". 

The movie starts at 6pm. So we need children to meet at Lake City Pres at 5:30 p.m. to carpool over. Seem that it is approx. 94 mins in length, so I'm figuring we'll be back to the church and ready to go home by 8:30 p.m.  Friends are welcome so long they are also in grades 1-5.

PLEASE RSVP for your children & any friends by Thursday 10/15 so we can arrange for appropriate transportation for your child and any friends. Also, if you (parents) are interested in joining us and helping out with carpooling please let me know.

Also please, for your child or any friends attending, fill out a Medical Authorization Form if one has not already been filled out. Click the link, copy and paste into a Word Document, print, fill out, and bring to the move night so that we can have it on record in case of emergency. 

In Christ,

Director of Faith Formation

Lake City Presbyterian Church
3841 NE 123rd Street, Seattle WA
206.362-6878 |

Monday, October 12, 2009

Invitation to Seeds of Compassion - Compassion Action Network

Just want to pass this information along about the Compassionate Action Network (interfaith, inter-organization) in case anyone is interested in attending. ~ Leena Prindle

October 2009

REMINDER: Connecting for Compassionate Action

THIS Saturday Seattle Center at 8:30 AM

We are looking forward to Connecting for Compassionate Action this Saturday at 8:30am in the Seattle Center’s Fisher Pavilion.
His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama attended Seeds of Compassion in Seattle last year and the Vancouver Peace Summit this September. These visits have inspired individuals and organizations to take action to awaken compassion in our children, ourselves, and our world.
The Compassionate Action Network, Seeds of Compassion, and Bellingham Compassion Movement invite you to attend a gathering at the Seattle Center on October 17, 2009. The Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education from Vancouver BC will also participate in the event.
Rather than listening to presentations and speeches, participants will share their gifts in an open space format. This will allow attendees to convene and attend sessions in the spirit of community discovery, exploration, and collaboration.
Participants will self-organize around the following question:
  • "How shall we inspire and support compassionate action in ourselves, our communities, and our world?"
Participants will:
  • Engage with other leaders that share common goals.
  • Discover and promote actions for awakening compassion in business, education, environment, economics, healthcare, peace, social justice, and/or other areas.
  • Share community engagement strategies.
  • Strengthen and develop a local, regional, and global network.
  • Enjoy music, art, dance, stories, and food.
RSVP: Join our social network at or email Jon Ramer or call (206) 526-2323. A suggested donation of $10.00 will help cover the event costs.
We hope to see you there.
Daniel Kranzler
Seeds of Compassion

The Compassionate Action Network (CAN) is a recently established 501c3 network of self-organizing groups that share a common vision for a compassionate world.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Rummage, Book, & Bake Sale

Come peruse and purchase a variety of treasures donated by members and friends of Lake City Presbyterian Church at our Rummage, Book, and Bake Sale. Enjoy goodies at a bake sale provided by the LCPC Presbyterian Women's group.

Rummage Sale items feature: Books, Small antiques, children's toys and clothing, infant/toddler gear and toys, linens, kitchen and dining, holiday decor, crafting items, tools and other hardware, and much much more!

Friday October 9th ~ 9 a.m to 4 p.m. 
Saturday October 10th ~ 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Lake City Presbyterian Church
3841 NE 123rd Street, Seattle, WA 98125
206.362.6878 | 

Rummage & Book sale proceeds benefit the mission of Children, Youth, Family, and Education ministries of Lake City Pres. Bake sale proceeds to benefit missions supported by Presbyterian Women.