National Day of Prayer is this Thursday - May 7th, 2009.
Lake City Pres is holding two prayer times this week:
* National Day of Prayer Drop In Prayer time: Thursday May 7th, The Sanctuary/Worship space is open for drop-in prayer from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Contact Katrina Obata via the
church office for more information.
Below are thoughts referenced from her homepage.
" National Day of Prayer in the United States is Celebrated Thursday May 7th, 2009 Always on the first Thursday of May each year! 2009 is the 58th Annual National Day of Prayer. What is the theme for 2009? NDOP Home says that the 2009's event theme is: "Prayer... America's Hope" and is based on the verse from Psalm 33:22 which states: "Let thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we hope in thee."
The National Day of Prayer site explains it this way: "The National Day of Prayer (NDP) is an annual event established by an act of Congress which encourages Americans to pray for our nation, its people and its leaders. The NDP Task Force concentrates on the need to pray for those in leadership on all levels of national, church, and educational areas of influence."
The Nationally Broadcast Concert of Prayer
Another major event sponsored by the National Prayer Committee and held on the evening of the National Day of Prayer is the Nationally Televised Concert of Prayer. Here is what The World Book Encyclopedia says about PRAYER:
"Prayer refers to reverent words and thoughts directed toward God, gods, goddesses, or other objects of worship. People pray to ask for spiritual benefits for themselves or others. They also offer praise, thanksgiving, or adoration to the object of worship. Prayers may take the form of speech, song, dance, or silent reverence. Some people kneel while praying. Others stand, sit, or lie on the ground.
Prayer is an important form of worship in nearly all the religions in the world. Most religions have regular prayers for both community and private worship. Individuals may also offer private prayers that express personal thoughts. Contemplation is prayer in which a person concentrates only on the object of worship."
Some Ideas for worship as individuals and as a family:
- Start a Family Prayer Journal. Make sure you date your prayer requests
then have a column for "answered prayer" to see how and when the Lord
answered your prayer. - Make sure you check your local newspaper or Church bulletin to see where
your local community will be holding services for The National Day of
Prayer 2009. - Make a Prayer Basket for yourself. Here are a few suggestions: Your
Bible; Notepad and pen/pencil; box of tissue; your Prayer Journal;
index cards; You might consider giving one to others as a gift. - Write some or all of your prayer requests on a note card and carry it
with you. Then when you have to wait in line or for an appointment just
pull it out to remind you what you can pray for. That way your time
won't be wasted and you will feel like you are doing something
worthwhile too. You can post individual prayer requests on index
cards and then put them in strategic places to remind you to pray.
On the mirror in your bathroom, on the fridge or on a chair for example. - Write out Bible Verses about Prayer and memorize them.
- Memorize the Lord's Prayer.
- Use the waiting time to pray for the person right in front of you. Pray
for the cashier while you are waiting in a long line or the people
in front of you or behind you. - Stuck in traffic or at a red light? Pray for the people in the car
in front of you. - Is your doctor running late AGAIN? Pray for him/her and the nurses.
Pray for the patient they are taking care of while you wait. - I am sure you can come up with a few ideas of your own.
Remember you are only limited by your own imagination
Posted by Leena P. @ Lake City Pres