Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Town Hall for Hope with Dave Ramsey

Mark your calendar for April 23 at 8:00 p.m. EDT! There is an exciting one-time national event called Town Hall for Hope, and you're invited! 

We all know that the economy is causing a lot of fear among Americans. It's time for our nation to come together to find hope for the future—and that's exactly what Town Hall for Hope is all about. 

At this free, 90-minute event, Dave will address the nation live with straight talk about what's really going on with the economy. He will discuss the history of the economy, real stats, and steps to take toward hope! Plus, he will answer questions from all around the country. You do not want to miss this historic event! It's shaping up to be one of the most-viewed webcasts in history. Over 6,000 host locations across the U.S. will be broadcasting the live feed on Thursday, April 23, at 8:00 p.m. EDT (West Coast delay—7:00 p.m. PT).

The event is completely free for anyone to attend.

Search for a host location nearest you on our site using the zip code tool. Get involved now and start spreading the word at townhallforhope.com. We'll see you there! 

—The Dave Ramsey Team

Sunday, April 5, 2009

LCPC Easter Celebration April 12th - Join Us!

Come join in the EASTER Celebration at Lake City Presbyterian Church 
Why the celebration? JESUS IS RISEN! 

Have you been wanting to bring or invite a friend or family member to church? Here is a great opportunity to do it. Worship, free breakfast, and an Easter Egg Hunt for the kiddos so make sure they bring their easter baskets (we'll have some bags on hand for collecting as well).

Easter Celebration Sunday April 12th

8:30 a.m. 
* Worship 
Nursery for ages infant to 4yrs 
No Sunday school but worship activity packets provided for elementary children

9:30 a.m. 
* Breakfast provided by Deacons in Fellowship Hall
* Easter Egg Hunt for children in Preschool through Grade 5

10:30 a.m. 
* Worship
Nursery for infant to 3 yrs 
Sunday School for Preschool through 5th grade

Share this with a friend! See you there!

Lake City Presbyterian Church
3841 NE 123rd Street | Seattle WA
206 362 6878  |  www.lakecitypres.org