Saturday, January 31, 2009

30 Hour Famine Retreat on February 27-28

Hey There! 

30 Hour Famine Retreat on February 27-28 for youth in Grade 6 - 12.
We have a great line up of activities planned including worship rally & activities at Overlake Christian Church in Redmond the evening of the 27th and then our group will be involved in a variety of service projects on Saturday the 28th. 

Please RSVP your interest to Leena by Sunday Feb. 8th. I'm going to be on vacation Feb. 12-24th and have 12 days to get most of this planned.
Friends are welcome to participate. Please have them RSVP by Feb. 8th as well.

Watch the 2009 promo video here: And you can ask Stephanie, Ann, Brandon, and Thomas about their experience last year....Now let me know if you're interested.

General Schedule:
* Famine starts at 12noon or after your lunch on the 27th. (Then drink lots of water and juice for the rest of the day)
If for medical reasons you are unable to do a full food fast - you can still participate we'll create an alternative fast (let you hide behind a corner to eat some food!)

* Come together around 5pm at Lake City Pres start the retreat portion of the famine. 

And lots of service opportunities (oh, and you can get 30 community service hours for this if you need it!). 

Hope to hear from you soon!

~Leena Prindle
Director of Faith Formation | 206-362-6878

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Lake City Pres Photos & Videos

Hi LCPC folks & friends

I just wanted to give you a few links to photos of Children, Youth and other ministries at Lake City Pres in the past year.

Here is the photo link: .

A few videos from Middle School retreats:

If you have photos or videos for these event and others that you would like to add to the mix, please: email the photos, send me a link, or give me a CD that can be uploaded.



Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Children's Christmas Joy Offering Art Contest 2009

Children's Christmas Joy Art Contest 2009

Invite the children of your congregation to help us create art for the Christmas Joy Offering.

  • Any child younger than 15 as of January 1, 2009, is eligible to submit art to the Christmas Joy Offering art contest.
  • Each child can submit one or two pieces of art representing his or her vision of the Christmas story.
  • The art should be received in our offices by January 30, 2009.
  • The art should be submitted on an 8.5" x 11" sheet of paper and sent to Christmas Joy Offering Art Contest, Office of Special Offerings, 100 Witherspoon Street, Louisville, KY 40202-1396.
  • The name, age, and home church of the artist (including city and state) should be printed clearly on the back of all artwork.
  • The Office of Special Offerings will own the right to use any submitted artwork in our Web, print, or other resources. We cannot return submitted art.
  • Winners will be selected in three age groups: ages 2–6, 7–10, and 11–14.
  • The winning art pieces and the names of the artists will be featured on the kids4kids and Christmas Joy Offering Web sites and in our 2009 (and possibly beyond) Christmas Joy Offering resources.
  • More info: