This Sunday, October 18th following our 10am worship there is a brief congregational meeting to vote in the Officer Nominating committee. This committee works to glean nominations for a new class of Deacons and Session Elders for January '10. The committee then works to contacts the nominees and see if they would be interested in joining the Session or the Deacons for a term of 3 yrs (Session elders term). Those who accept will be brought before the congregation for a vote come January.
If there is someone you'd like to nominate to be an Elder or Deacon please pick up a form from the church and submit it to the box in the Deacon's office or the church office.
Duties of an Elder -
* Exercises leadership, government, and discipline in the local church
* Is responsible, individually and as the Session, for strengthening and nurturing the faith and life of the congregation
* With the pastor, encourages the people in worship and service of God, and equips and renews them for their tasks within the church and for their mission in the world.
* Attends and participates in the work of the Session and its ministry teams as assigned.
* May assist in worship leadership and communion, and may serve, from time to time, as delegate to the meeting of the Presbytery.
Duties of the Deacons-
* Carries out a work of sympathy, witness, and service in the local church
* Acts as a means of communication with the life and needs of the congregation
* Assists those in destress, with special needs, and in celebrations
* Plans fellowship events
* May assist in worship leadership and communion
* Works with the Cordon of Prayer
* Arranges for greeters each week