Friday, February 22, 2013

Lunch with LCPC Missionaries - Sunday Feb 24th. 11:15-12:15

This Sunday, February 24th, LCPC Missions Department invites you to experience mission opportunities of a few members who have traveled in the past year. This Lunch & Presentation will be in the Fellowship Hall immediately following our 10 a.m. worship service - approx. 11:15 a.m. - 12:15 p.m.
Mary & Stan Jeppesen and Ann Powell will share stories, travels, pictures and some of what God is doing in these far-away places.

  • The Jeppesens will be sharing their opportunity to work with Guatemala Village Health in Guatemala - Central America.
  • Ann Powell will be talking about her trip to Africa also involving health care ministry.
  • Lunch will be served and presentations will occur during the lunch.
  • All are welcome - including children! (There will be care available for children not interested in the presentation).

Come see and hear about the miracles God is working in our world through God's people!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Soup, Sandwich, & Sabbath - Study for Lent on Sundays -11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m

For four Sundays during Lent, the LCPC Christian Education Committee invites you to stay after worship for a light lunch and study of the new book “Sabbath in the Suburbs” by MaryAnn McKibben Dana. She is a Presbyterian pastor in Virginia who writes about the challenges and benefits of making space for intentional spiritual rest and renewal. Pastor Sandy liked the book so much that she’d like to read it with a group of you. CE is hoping that a Sunday lunch time will allow more of you to participate than our previous Wednesday Lent evening soup suppers & study.

Sunday, February 17th the Sabbath in the Suburbs & lunch/class will begin, 11:30am -12:30pm.  
Sunday, February 24th there will still be lunch, Sabbath book study is on hold while LCPC Mission Committee has an event planned for all to experience: Presenters will be LCPC members and missionaries - Stan & Mary Jeppesen sharing about their medical mission to Guatemala and Ann Powell will share about her mission trip to Kenya.
Sundays, March 3rd, 10th, and 17th: Sabbath in the Suburbs Books study resumes for the next three Sundays. Again, lunch will also be served.
Sunday March 24th, which is Palm Sunday - pencil in the date and watch for more information as a Seder meal will be served as preparation for Holy Week.
Finally:  EASTER! is Sunday, March 31st this year.  You’ll be on your own for lunch, but it will be a glorious day to celebrate in worship together!

You don’t have a copy of the book?? That’s alright here are three ways to participate:
1) No reading necessary – come to the study and glean from others
2) Pick up a copy of the book at LCPC for a suggested donation of $14.
3) Download “Sabbath in the Suburbs” to your e-reader or in a PDF Format. Visit to find options via Chalice Press and