Saturday, November 14, 2009

Operation Christmas Child - At Lake City Pres this Sunday 11/15

"OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD" Shoebox Packing - This Sunday November 15th

Just a last minute reminder that this Sunday November 15th you are invited to participate in packing Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes. We'll be meeting in the fellowship hall after worship at 11:00 a.m. Feel free to step in line and pack a box or two, it will take you less than five minutes! If you've never heard of Operation Christmas Child or want to know more you can visit: or view this short video on the impact your contribution makes for children around the world.

Prior to Sunday if you have extra cardboard shoeboxes or clear plastic shoeboxes (see-through rubbermaid style) that you can donate please bring them along on Sunday morning.  You can check out the gift suggestion list below to see what kinds of gifts you can bring to pack the boxes --- bring one or many items -- dollar stores are a great place to get several items on a budget. 

If you'd rather pack your own box for a boy or girl in a specific age group feel free to follow this link to guidelines on packing a shoe box and then bring the box to the church - we'll have the tag ready for you and deliver the box as well.

GIFT IDEAS for Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

small cars, balls, dolls, stuffed animals, kazoos, harmonicas, yo-yos, jump ropes, small Etch A Sketch®, toys that light up or make noise (with extra batteries), Slinky®, etc. 

pens, pencils and sharpener, crayons or markers, stamps and ink pad sets, writing pads or paper, solar calculators, coloring and picture books, etc. 

toothbrush, toothpaste, mild bar soap (in a plastic bag), comb, washcloth, etc. 

Hard candy and lollipops (please double bag all candy), mints, gum, T-shirts, socks, ball caps; sunglasses, hair clips, toy jewelry, watches, flashlights (with extra batteries) 

In a separate envelope, you may enclose a note to the child and a photo of yourself or your family. (If you include your name and address, the child may write back.) 

Used or damaged items; war-related items such as toy guns, knives or military figures; chocolate or food; out-of-date candy; liquids or lotions; medications or vitamins; breakable items such as snowglobes or glass containers; aerosol cans

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Veteran's Day Rememberance Room Activities for 11/11

Veteran's Day Remembrance Room.
Wednesday, Nov. 11th, 2009
11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
 in LCPC Youth Room 
(lower level across from the Fireplace room) 

In this room will be interactive stations where children, youth, and parents & other adults are invited to:

Light a candle or a few in honor of friends and family who are veterans

Write a prayer on a banner to pray for those who are veterans

Mold playdough, build with legos, or color/paint a picture focused on giving thanks for those who fight for American freedom.

Write a letter or make a card to be given to a veteran through Operation Gratitude.

* Bring & donate your leftover Halloween candy (an extra bag) to donate to Operation Gratitude Halloween Candy Collection (they take the candy to children in various places around the world to make friends.(Here is a video about the candy:

So stop in anytime between 11am and 2pm take 15 minutes or a few hours to remember and honor our Veterans, 
it is up to you. Invite friends & family to join you!

Peace in Jesus, 
~Leena Prindle
Director of Faith Formation @ LCPC