Monday, August 31, 2009

Monday Drop In & Play Time for Infants & Toddlers Fall 2009

Do you have an infant or toddler and want to get out of the house to meet some other parents/grandparents and have a comfortable and safe place your children can play - for free? 

The nursery at Lake City Presbyterian Church is open for Infant and Toddler Drop In and Play time every Monday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Come and visit for a little bit or stay and play for the entire time.
Age appropriate toys and activities for ages 0-4. A great place to meet up with a friend, playgroup or to connect and make new friends. Adults must stay to supervise their children.

Mondays in the Nursery ~ 9:30 a.m to 12 noon.
Children Ages 0-4 yrs old

Lake City Presbyterian Church
3841 NE 123rd Street, Seattle WA

Call 206-362-6878 or email DFF @ for more information. 

Financial Peace University Comes to Lake City Pres!

Financial Peace University at Lake City Presbyterian Church

Class begins Sunday September 20th at 11:30 a.m. and runs through December 13th.

FPU is a 13-week life-changing program that empowers and teaches you how to make the right money decisions to achieve your financial goals and God's plan for your life. The course includes practical lessons on eliminating debt, building wealth, giving like never before, and much, much more! The cost of the course is $99.00. You may purchase the curriculum kit at the first class. To learn more or register for this class, please contact Leena at or 206-362-6878. You may also Register by visiting and search by zip code '98125' where you'll find Lake City Presbyterian Church listed.

Childcare is available upon request, please RSVP when registering for this class.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Aug 30th = Fifth Sunday Worship, Backpack Blessing, & End of Summer Picnic

You're invited!

This Sunday, August 30th, is the fifth Sunday of the month —which means we’ll be holding our worship service informally in the Fellowship Hall from10am to 11am.

Back-to-School Blessing during worship

We will be holding a blessing of children, youth, and teachers heading back-to-school (or starting for the first time) during the Time for Young Disciples. Children are invited to bring their backpacks/notebooks to worship for this special blessing. Nursery care and Sunday School for pre-school, elementary children and middle school age youth will be held during worship.

End of Summer Potluck Picnic following worship! (11:00-1:00p)

* Bring your favorite potluck dish to share for our potluck party following worship (fridge space, oven, & crock pot outlets available)

* Picnic games for all

* Inflatable Bounce House for Children

* and fun fellowship times for all.

Come enjoy the last days of summer at LCPC as we prepare for the Fall and school year.

If you're not able to bring a potluck item.. don't worry, we'll have you covered- come and simply enjoy good food and good fun.

Lake City Presbyterian Church

3841 NE 123rd Street | Seattle WA

206.362.6878 |