Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"Greening of the Church" this Saturday Dec. 1st

Decorating in preparation for the seasons of Advent & Christmas!

Lake City Presbyterian Church - Sanctuary, Fellowship Hall, Hallways, Outdoors, etc.
Saturday December 1, 2012 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
Yourself - all sorts are welcome to help ~ including children!

Time to dress the church in Advent and Christmas holiday decor - we have something for all abilities!

  • Decorate Pew wreaths with flowers/bows
  • Hang pew wreaths
  • Arrange poinsettia's around the sanctuary
  • Pull out the trees, wreaths, and garlands, and lights: climb a ladder to hang them up, pretty them with ornaments and other decorations, hang chrismons on the main sanctuary Christmas tree
  • Hang Banners over the balcony in the sanctuary
  •  and more!

If you have decorating suggestions or questions - or want to sign up to help out - please connect with Doug Prindle, LCPC Worship committee elder.

Happy Advent (begins December 2nd)! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

SonQuest Rainforest Kids Week

SonQuest Rainforest
Kids Week
August 6-10, 2012
9:30 a to 12:30 p
Ages 3 yrs through entering 6th grade

This summer, bring your kids to SonQuest Rainforest VBS - and experience of discovery they will never forget! Based on five key Bible verses that will change a child’s life (including John 3:16), SonQuest Rainforest VBS transports young minds into a vivid rainforest environment of jungle sounds, sights and smells, where they’ll dig into the Bible and meet Jesus in every story. Five Bible verses, five days of discovery and an experience that can last a lifetime: Gospel Light’s SonQuest Rainforest VBS will bring your kids closer to Jesus, every day.

Click Here to Register Your Child Online

Cost for SonQuest Rainforest Kids Week is $30 per child with a $75/family maximum. Full and partial scholarships are available - please don't hesitate to apply!

If you would like to volunteer to help in any way please contact Leena Prindle, pick up a volunteer form at the church, or fill out our Volunteer Registration form online.

SonQuest Rainforest Theme Verse: “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.” - John 3:16

~Leena Prindle | Director of Faith Formation
Lake City Presbyterian Church | Seattle WA 98125 | 206.362-6878

Lake City Pres online: http://www.facebook.com/lakecitypres | http://www.twitter.com/lakecitypres | http://lakecitypres.blogspot.com

Monday, April 30, 2012

Infant and Toddler Drop In & Play Time on Mondays

Do you have an infant or toddler and want to get out of the house to meet some other parents/grandparents and have a comfortable and safe place your children can play - for free? 

The nursery at Lake City Presbyterian Church is open for Infant and Toddler Drop In and Play time every Monday morning from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Come and visit for a little bit or stay and play for the entire time.

Age appropriate toys and activities for ages 0-4. A great place to meet up with a friend, playgroup or to connect and make new friends. Adults must stay to supervise their children.

Mondays in the Nursery ~ 9:30 a.m to 12 noon.
Children Ages 0-4 yrs old

Lake City Presbyterian Church
3841 NE 123rd Street, Seattle WA
The time is hosted by Leena Prindle, Director of Faith Formation (also a mother who has been thankful for free, warm, and age appropriate welcome spaces when her children were little!)

Call 206-362-6878 or email DFF @ lakecitypres.org for more information. 

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

You're Invited to Easter 2012 at LCPC!

Come join an Easter Celebration!

Sunday April 8th at 10:00 a.m.

  •  Easter story shared through Bible Reading & Song Singing
  • "The Three Commandments of Easter" by Pastor Sandy Hackett
  • Sing the "Hallelujah Chorus" together
  • Light Easter brunching with friends & family following the service
  • Nursery care for the littlest ones (ages 0-3)
  • Easter lesson & Egg hunting during worship for children age 3 through Grade 5.

Come + Participate + Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and invite others to come along!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Free Gospel Concert this Saturday

This Saturday, March 24th


The Holy Ghost Travelin' Band  

Come one, come all to enjoy lively gospel music in the Fellowship Hall at Lake City Presbyterian Church (featuring LCPC's own  Irv Kellenberger and Ron McLean).This rockin' and bluesy concert is free to the community. A free-will donation will be taken during the concert to support LCPC's mission causes, especially our outreach to Kake Memorial Presbyterian Church in Kake, Alaska.

Invite your friends and family to A GREAT CONCERT for a GREAT CAUSE!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Lenten Soup Supper & Prayer Study with Christine Sine

Lenten Soup Supper & Prayer Study 
Wednesdays Feb 29th, March 7, 14, 21, and 28
6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. in LCPC Fellowship Hall
$5/person suggestion donation
Children's program provided

Come join in an experiential study on prayer with Christine Sine for Wednesday evenings at Lake City Presbyterian Church. A soup supper provided from 6-6:30 p.m. We are suggesting a donation of $5 per person to help cover cost of meal and program. The first Wednesday will have a prayer labyrinth experience and Wednesdays in March will feature prayer studies led by Christine Sine of Mustard Seed Associates.

  • Wednesday February 29th - Prayer Walks: Labyrinths 
This Wednesday we will provide you with history and instructions for using a prayer labyrinth using a model that has been taped down in our youth ministry room. There will be opportunity to walk on it and create a 'finger labyrinth' that you can take home. Led by Leena Prindle - LCPC Director of Faith Formation 

  • Wednesday March 7th: The Three Directions of Prayer led by Christine Sine
  • Wednesday March 14th: Tools for Prayer led by Christine Sine
  • Wednesday March 21st: Contemplative Prayer led by Christine Sine
  • Wednesday March 28th: Outward Prayer led by Christine Sine
Christine Sine is a Seattle local who is Executive Director of Mustard Seed Associates a small organization founded by her and her husband Tom Sine to assist churches and Christian organizations to engage the challenges of the 21st Century.  She speaks and writes about how to integrate spiritual rhythms into everyday life as well as on spirituality and gardening. Her most recent book is To Garden with God Mustard Seed Associates 2010).  She is the author of several other books Light for the Journey (MSA 2010) GodSpace: Time for Peace in the Rhythms of Life (Barclay Press 2006), Travel Well (World Vision Resources 2005) and Tales of a Seasick Doctor (Zondervan 1996).  Christine and Tom also co-authored Living on Purpose: Finding God’s Best for Your Life. (Baker Books 2002).  She blogs at http://godspace.wordpress.com

For more information about the supper or study please contact Leena Prindle - Director of Faith Formation.